Unscripted Philosophy


  • Shades Within

    Likes different colours of the rainbow in the sky, Varied versions of one, in people’s minds lie. Some view it as silent as the sky’s …

  • Heartfelt Journeys: Chronicles of Feelings

    At the airport, beneath the stars, in the presence of the moonlight, More kisses are shared than under a bright wedding hall’s light. In the hospital, life …

  • Chaos to Calm: The Ultimate Inner Peace Guide.

    In this chaotic world, seek a tranquil way, Through smiles and sunsets, let kindness sway. Gaze at sunsets that paint skies with gold, A masterpiece …

  • Whispers of Experience: Tales for Every Age

    In every age group, young and old,Life’s experiences, like stories untold From the car, bus, train, or plane retreat,Looking out from the windows, an experience …

  • Coach of the Life.

    Though her life is a constant conflict, Though it looks like her life might be falling apart bit by bit, I’m here to hold her …

  • The Joy of Little Things!

    Smiling might give you inner peace; But getting a smile on others’ faces would give you the joy of happiness. A phone call from your …